Balenciaga continues to stun the internet as disturbing themes about satanic gods arise.
More signs emerge as images within Balenciaga’s ads are linked to the promotion of child p*rnography, p*dophelia, cannibalism and satanism.
As Breaking Digest previously reported, the Spring 2023 ad campaign consists of a series of images with objects that allude to some of those themes.
In the photoshoot for that campaign ad, children can be seen carrying teddy bears dressed in bondage-gear and a purposefully poorly hidden court document related to a child p*rn case (United States vs. Williams).
And then it got worse…
Once Balenciaga was caught sexualizing children with their child BDSM-themed ads, they quickly pulled the ads from all of their platforms and released an apology.
But as Breaking Digest reported, they replaced that ad campaign with a new campaign that featured references to pedophilia, blood rituals, satanism and cannibalism. Human trafficking activist, @itsnatlydenise, posted on the dark and disturbing facts her research uncovered in a Twitter thread.
Breaking Digest later reported that research conducted by Twitter user @curiouslight exposing Balenciaga designer, Lotta Volkova, and sick obsession with evil, Satan, and child mutilation.
When the story first broke, those of us who were unfamiliar with the brand spent the first half hour or more just trying to learn how to spell and pronounce the weird name.
If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that these people don’t do anything by accident.
These people love their symbolism.
There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences either.
baal enci aga

Some doubters are sure to think this is a stretch. It’s not spelled Baalenciaga, after all. It’s Balenciaga.
There’s also this.
Ba Len ci Aga

“Do what you want” is very similar to “Do what thou wilt”:
The phrase “Do what thou wilt” is part of the law of Thelema. It comes from the Book of the Law, Chapter I, line 40, dictated to Aleister Crowley by the entity Aiwass.
Still a bit reaching?
Then there’s this.
Zoomed in:

Are we to believe they put caution tape with “BAAL” facing the camera in the photo by mistake?
For those who don’t know, BAAL is an ancient Canaanite King mentioned in the Bible.
Baal, sometimes called Bael, is regarded as one of the gods of hell, according to Christian demonology
Perhaps synonymous with Satan, perhaps a different evil Fallen Angel.
It was believed that pr*stitution and other sensual forms of worship were encouraged. As was sacrifice, mostly of children, in order to appease, Baal, the god of fertility.
Keep in mind, it’s not so much what this all might mean to you… it’s about what it might mean to Balenciaga.
Here is a video from A Call For An Uprising. This video, originally posted to YouTube, received a strike for exposing Balenciaga.