Videos Show Mexican Train Full of Migrants Heading to Biden’s Open Southern Border

by J Pelkey
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Videos posted by Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins and independent journalist Auden Cabello show a FerroMex train full of migrants heading towards Joe Biden’s wide open Southern border.


Auden Cabello shared a video, from two days earlier, that shows a train crowded with migrants in a town situated just south of Zacatecas, “Irapuato, Guanajuato: Another train full of migrants departed this morning. One major route leads to Juarez/El Paso.”


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Fox News reported:

A FerroMex train out of Zacatecas, Mexico and heading toward the U.S. southern border was packed with migrants who could be heard cheering while hanging off the sides of the cars, video shows.

The train was captured on video on Sunday, despite the U.S. sending a stern message to migrants: “do not come.”

Border patrols along the southern border have been facing overwhelming numbers of illegal crossings.

For instance, Ajo, Arizona saw 2,000 illegal crossings a day for several straight days last week, forcing agents to resort to street releases because shelters are packed. The migrants include people from Africa.

Last month, there were well over 20,000 migrants in Border Patrol custody, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection source, in the Rio Grande Valley sector in Texas.

Caravans heading toward the southern border included families with infants and children, along with unaccompanied minors.

The train incidents shown in these videos are just a couple of instances in the massive surge of immigrants entering the U.S. illegally through Biden’s open Southern border.

This would not be an issue if President Trump was still in the White House.

A video report from Border Hawk correspondent Efraín González captures a migrant train route near the U.S.-Mexico border, specifically at Piedras Negras and Eagle Pass.


Videos posted by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin show migrants crossing the Rio Grande River into Eagle Pass. “NEW: Our drone team witnessing more broad daylight illegal crossings into Eagle Pass, TX this afternoon. Sadly, a 10-year-old boy drowned here while crossing with his mom yesterday. He’s one of countless who have drowned here over past couple years, w/ little to no attention.”



“NEW: Our team in Eagle Pass witnessed migrant families irresponsibly having their children crawl underneath Texas razor wire as they crossed the river illegally during a thunderstorm. TX DPS troopers later responded and cut the wire for the safety of the children as more arrived.”


Fox News previously reported on the growing border crisis:

President Biden’s administration has started releasing migrants into the U.S. interior in the Tucson Sector in Arizona, sources tell Fox News, as agents struggle to deal with facilities that are overcapacity amid a new migrant surge.

The Tucson Sector has seen over 2,000 illegal crossings in a single 24-hour period this week. Sources tell Fox that as a result releases of migrants onto the streets, typically with a Notice to Appear (NTA) in court, are happening in the sector. The population includes migrants from Africa, including many from Senegal.

Tucson has become one of the most popular sectors for migrant traffic as agents face a broader surge border-wide. Sources told Fox that agents apprehended over 7,400 illegal immigrants at the border on Tuesday. When combined with encounters at ports of entry, that number hit 9,100.

CBP released 5,000 migrants with a notice to appear on Tuesday and has around 21,000 people in custody.

Numbers had dropped at the border in the wake of the ending of the Title 42 public health order in May, and stayed lower in June. But numbers have gone up sharply in July and August has reportedly seen numbers again of over 200,000.

Fox has previously reported last month that multiple sectors are facing capacity issues, with the top major sectors all near or over capacity.

Fox News Digital reported this week how Border Patrol leadership has set “bookout” targets for sectors amid increasing numbers that is straining capacity.

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