On Wednesday, Rebel News reporters Avi Yemini and Ezra Levant confronted Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about the company’s toxic mRNA gene therapy injections.
The Rebel News crew spotted Bourla on the streets of Davos and asked him all the questions mainstream media refuses to ask.
“Avi Yemini and I were standing on the street at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, when we spotted Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, walking by,” Ezra Levant wrote at Rebel News.
Here’s the story from Rebel News:
It was the moment we were waiting for: one of the most hated men in the world going for a leisurely stroll because he assumed he was amongst friends. After all, in the three years since the pandemic began, have you ever seen a journalist ask him a tough question?
Well, he didn’t count on Rebel News and our accountability style of citizen journalism.
I walked right up to him and started asking him the questions that millions of people have surely been wondering for years. And a moment later, Avi joined in, making it a sort of walking press conference. And Bourla couldn’t answer a single question.
You know, there are hundreds of “accredited” journalists here at the World Economic Forum — the biggest names in news, from CNN to the New York Times. But you have to understand: they’re all here as WEF members, not to hold the WEF to account. They’re on Pfizer’s team. They would never ask Pfizer a tough question.
I really don’t think their CEO knew what hit him today.
That’s what we’re doing every day here at the WEF.
Partial transcript from the video below:
“Mr. Bourla, can I ask you, when did you know that the vaccines didn’t stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly?” Levant asked the Pfizer CEO.
“Thank you very much,” Bourla replied.
“We now know that the vaccines didn’t stop transmission. But why did you keep it secret?” Levant asked.
Bourla refused to answer the question.
“You said it was 100% effective. Then 90%. Then 80%. Then 70%. But we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret?” Levant asked.
“Have a nice day,” Bourla replied.
“Is it time to apologize to the world sir? To give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn’t work. Your ineffective vaccine,” Yemini added.
“Are you not ashamed of what you’ve done in the last couple of years?” Yemini asked.
“Do you have any apologies to the public sir?” Levant asked.
Again, Bourla refused to answer the question.
“Are you proud of it? You’ve made millions on the backs of people’s entire livelihoods,” Yemini added.
“What do you think about on your yacht sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis?” Levant questioned Bourla.
“What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day?” Levant asked.
“Why won’t you answer these basic questions?” Levant asked.
Again, Bourla refused to answer the question.
Rumble backup via Rebel News:
More videos from the World Economic Forum’s 2023 annual meeting can be found here:
From Rebel News:
Rebel News is sending a team of SEVEN reporters, videographers and producers led by our fearless Rebel Commander Ezra Levant to Davos, Switzerland from January 16 to 20 to cover the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Annual Meeting.
This mission is going to be some of the most important journalism we’ve ever done at Rebel News.