The ‘Rally to End Child Mutilation,’ was organized by Daily Wire blogger Matt Walsh, who has fought to end pediatric transgender clinics across the country. One of the worst offenders is Nashville’s own Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC).
Thanks to the much needed backlash from Walsh and state Republican lawmakers, VUMC agreed to pause gender-affirming surgeries on transgender youth.
One of the speakers at the rally was former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard. During her speech she stated, “I grew up a tomboy … I moved on and I grew up. I cannot imagine the kinds of pressures happening to our kids today with our young girls who are tomboys.”
Matt Walsh, of the Daily Wire, wasn’t shy to call out the Far Left lunatics and Antifa cowards screaming to drown out the speakers at the rally.
The rally was plagued with insanely angry protesters waiving misspelled signs. Most screamed their opinions with name calling and hatred rather than giving any plausible argument for the horrifying surgical procedures done on children.