VP of the Fraternal Order of Police Warns Kamala Harris Would Be “An Unmitigated Disaster for Public Safety” as President [Video]

by J Pelkey
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Joe Gamaldi, the national vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police and an active lieutenant with the Houston Police Department, painted a grim picture of what American safety would look like if Kamala Harris were elected president.

Gamaldi told Fox News, “Let’s be clear about something: If Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States, she will be an unmitigated disaster for public safety in this country.”

“She has loudly and proudly supported bail reform and has even donated and encouraged other people to donate to a fund that helped get murderers, rapists, people who were shooting people in the streets, out on bail,” he said.

“We’re not talking about helping bail out the mom who stole a candy bar from the store to help feed her kids; we’re talking about violent criminals.”

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Joseph Imperatrice, an NYPD detective and founder of Blue Lives Matter NYC, echoed Gamaldi’s concerns.

Fox News reported:

Vice President Harris’ record of backing a bail fund for Black Lives Matter convicted protesters is at the forefront of law enforcement minds as she attempts to paint herself as a law-and-order candidate.

“Let’s be clear about something: If Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States, she will be an unmitigated disaster for public safety in this country,” Joe Gamaldi, the national vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police and an active Houston Police Department lieutenant, told Fox News Digital.

“She has loudly and proudly supported bail reform and has even donated and encouraged other people to donate to a fund that helped get murderers, rapists, people who were shooting people in the streets, out on bail,” he said. “We’re not talking about helping bail out the mom who stole a candy bar from the store to help feed her kids; we’re talking about violent criminals.”

Gamaldi said bail reform has not worked in “any urban community.”

“It is what has led to 16 American cities experiencing the highest murder rate in recorded history back in 2020-2021,” he said. “And we’re still living with the fallout of that.

“Over the last three years in the United States, we’ve averaged over 20,000 homicides a year, and we haven’t seen those numbers since the mid 1990s,” he said. “And now we’re going to have Vice President Harris, who is the presumptive nominee at this point, is going to run on a platform of supporting bail reform after seeing the horrific consequences we’ve seen in our urban communities.”

Joseph Imperatrice, an NYPD detective and founder of Blue Lives Matter NYC, told Fox News Digital that America needs a president who will “put the bad guys behind bars.”

“America needs a leader that’s going to keep bad guys behind bars, and unfortunately, Kamala Harris hasn’t done that,” he said. “It was proven during the riots by intentionally bailing out the bad guys.”

“This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, this is a humanitarian issue,” Imperatrice said. “This is an accountability issue.”


Joseph Imperatrice, an NYPD detective and founder of Blue Lives Matter NYC, told Fox News Digital that America needs a president who will “put the bad guys behind bars.”


During her tenure as Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris kept hundreds of black men in prison past their release dates to use them for cheap state labor. She also promoted the Minnesota Bail Fund after the George Floyd riots in 2020, which bailed out murderers and rapists, with at least two individuals committing murder again after being bailed out.

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