“Victoria White was pushed into Tunnel. She was then BRUTALLY BEATEN by OFFICER WHITE SHIRT. Dozens of baton blows. Punched in the face 5x…”
Her crime? “Wearing a MAGA hat”, according to attorney Joseph McBride:
“when he pulverized a defenseless woman that was half his size for wearing a MAGA hat…”, McBride continued.
“She is hit with the baton while facing forward. She is speared and poked with the baton about the face so as to inflict maximum pain. She collapses more than once and is stood up by the officers only to be maced and beaten again…”
“At some point, White-shirt puts away his baton, not because he is showing mercy because he has a clear avenue to her face…”
The Gateway Pundit reported:
She is hit approximately thirty- five times over the course of 4 minutes and 30 seconds, while appearing to be begging for mercy the entire time. She is hit with the baton while facing away. She is hit with the baton while facing forward. She is speared and poked with the baton about the face so as to inflict maximum pain. She collapses more than once and is stood up by the officers only to be maced and beaten again. At some point, White-shirt puts away his baton, not because he is showing mercy because he has a clear avenue to her face. As such, he unloads on the defenseless woman punching her five times in five seconds, directly in the face, with all of his might.
** Her DOJ report is here.
Not once in the DOJ report do they describe the brutal pummeling she received at the hands of the Capitol Police officers.
The officer has been identified as Commander Jason Bagshaw, the Gateway Pundit reported:
Recently prosecutors have identified the police supervisor who beat Victoria White nearly to death on January 6.
Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) commander Jason Bagshaw is the officer who brutally beat a female Trump supporter including bashing her several times in the face on January 6th.
The man is an animal.
Bagshaw recently shot and killed a man while he was at dinner with his wife.
Victoria White is lucky to be alive today.
Two other female Trump supporters were not so lucky that day.

Zachary Stieber and Joseph M. Hanneman at The Epoch Times reported:
The Washington D.C. police officer who beat a Minnesota woman with a metal baton at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is a 19-year veteran with a history of use-of-force complaints.
The officer who delivered most of the blows was identified in new court filings as Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) commander Jason Bagshaw, 45.
“The tunnel CCTV footage shows that over an almost two-minute span running from approximately 4:07:00 to 4:08:54 p.m., Lieutenant Bagshaw repeatedly struck, or tried to strike, the woman in red with his baton,” U.S. prosecutors said in one of the briefs (pdf).
Bagshaw has since been promoted to commander.Prosecutors also acknowledged that Bagshaw “threw five left-handed jab punches in the direction of the woman in red’s head or upper body” and included an image showing Bagshaw with his left fist raised while standing near White, or the woman in red.
MPD use-of-force policies advise officers to avoid striking the head.
Bagshaw did not respond to a message. MPD did not respond to requests for comment. The agency said previously it wasn’t aware of the surveillance footage, released in December 2021 by attorney Joseph McBride, showing one of its officers pummeling White.
From an earlier story at the Gateway Pundit:
As we reported earlier this year — On Jan. 6 Capitol Police started firing flash grenades and rubber bullets at peaceful protesters with US and MAGA flags.
From the video you can see the protesters are NOT on the Capitol steps and were behind barriers.
There were children, veterans and seniors in the crowd.
It’s very clear that MAGA republicans have not been safe in America, even before Biden’s threatening speech on Thursday, in which he called them “dangerous” and “extremists”.
Excellent report thank you
Jason Bagshaw should receive equal treatment by other officers for what he did to the woman wearing MAGA hat Jan 6. And if he doesn’t die he deserves to be shot to death or placed in wild animal cave where he will be rightly attacked. I have NEVER been so pissed off by American politics as I am now. I pray every night that God will destroy every lousy damocrat and RINO, then return MY AMERICA to a sane and healthy country again. I don’t think there is any one in the government that can be trusted. They are all like China, North Korea, Russia, Taliban monsters.