The United States Supreme Court has agreed to hear a major case on election integrity that promises to strip away the ability of states to rig elections via courts and activist judges.
The case, known as Moore v. Harper, is docketed to be heard in the nation’s highest court next session. It concerns the “independent state legislature” theory, which holds that the Constitution only gives the power to the state legislative branches to change election laws — an obvious point of concern with 2020 election integrity in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, among other states.
Republican members of the general assembly are arguing that state legislators should have far more power in governing elections than courts and activist judges.
North Carolina Senate Chair Phil Berger stated via The Herald Sun “Activist judges and allied plaintiffs have proved time and time again that they believe state courts have the ultimate say over congressional maps, no matter what the U.S. Constitution says.”
Many agree that this case could potentially have the biggest implication for our election system since the founding of the country in 1776.
Opponents of the case argue that this poses a massive threat to our ‘democracy’, but what they really mean is it poses a threat to their “system”.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was so distraught over the Supreme Court finally taking up the case that she lashed out by calling it a ‘judicial coup.’ Former President Bill Clinton said people should be ‘panic-stricken.’ However, the case points towards the opposite conclusion: It would restore power to the people in the elected state legislatures to prevent rogue judges and authoritarian executives to undermine the will of the people.
The Herald Sun reported:
Berger’s statement echoes what other GOP leaders have also said about this case: Their hand was forced by judges who have gotten more and more aggressive in striking down election laws as unconstitutional.
In recent years under Republican leadership at the General Assembly — and a Democratic majority at the N.C. Supreme Court — a number of political lawsuits have led to state-level cases with huge implications for how elections are conducted.
From Conservative Brief:
Kathay Feng, who leads the anti-gerrymandering group Common Cause, called it “the case of the century.”
“It is a case that asserts a bizarre and fabricated reading of the United States Constitution … to create a situation where elections are already rigged from the start,” she said.
Eric Holder, a Democrat and former U.S. attorney general under Barack Obama, said it “should keep every American up at night.”
The most frustrating item I’ve read today & should have every parent taking there kids out of Public schools, was the speech Biden’s wife gave to the teachers union! How dare she, schools & teachers could think they know better & keep wanting to push CRT & other asinine indoctrination our throats is idiotic, stand up to these communists before its to late!! Stop using the school’s, teachers as babysitters, stop & think of the damage they have already caused?
I wouldn’t believe a damn thing the demon rat bastards have to say