Senate Republicans have threatened to block the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) unless a vote is held on the current COVID-19 vaccine mandate for military personnel.
The effort is being led by Florida Senator Rick Scott and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, along with 11 other senators, including Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.
In a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Senators stated, “The Department of Defense COVID-19 vaccine mandate has ruined the livelihoods of men and women who have honorably served our country.”
“While the Department of Defense certainly must make decisions that will bolster military readiness, the effects of the mandate are antithetical to readiness of our force, and the policy must be revoked,” the letter further states.
Fox News reported:
Conservative GOP senators are demanding that their party leaders in the Senate force a vote to eliminate the COVID-19 vaccine mandate in the military in exchange for advancing a year-end military funding bill, amid discontent from some about Republicans allegedly compromising too much with Democrats.
Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., who challenged Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for GOP leadership, is among those leading the effort, along with Sen. Rand Paul. R-Ky.
“I think on the NDAA one thing that’s going to be important is that we don’t give cloture unless they agree that we’re not going to keep kicking people out of the service for their – if they’re unvaccinated,” Scott told Fox News Digital of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). “I think that we’ve got to start standing up for people.”
“There’s a lot of people that legitimately believe this is not good for their body, so we ought to listen to them,” Scott added. “I ran for leader because I think we ought to have an agenda, and fight over our Republican agenda.”
Whether enough Republicans, particularly in leadership, would fight to ensure a vote on the vaccine mandate happens, Scott said, is not clear.
“We’ll find out,” Scott said, mentioning that many Republicans just voted for the bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act. “The Republican voters want us to start standing up for something.”
During a press conference, Paul stated “The vaccination mandate has forced our nation’s young patriotic men and women to choose between their faith, their medical autonomy and their careers.”
“At a time when the military is struggling to meet targets for recruitment, the administration is firing soldiers we invested in and trained,” Paul further noted.
Watch the press conference via Rumble:
More from Summit News:
For five decades now, the NDAA has been viewed as vital legislation for Congress each year, covering spending for the military, including the annual pay raise and new program starts.
Despite attempts to stop mandatory vaccines for active duty personnel, and to uphold exemption rights, the Biden administration has continually pushed for dishonourable discharges and even court martialing for troops who disobey orders to get the shots.