Biden Supporter Tweets About Sending Seal Team 6 to Take Out Trump and Scotus – Trump Campaign Responds [Video]

by J Pelkey
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The United States Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that President Trump has absolute immunity, determining that presidents have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official actions taken during their presidency

The case, Trump v. United States, stemmed from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment against Trump, accusing him of conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. Smith’s charges include spreading claims of election fraud and attempting to obstruct the certification of the election results.

Trump’s lawyers argued that these actions were within his official duties as President, thus granting him immunity from prosecution.

Following the ruling, many elected Democrats and other leftists expressed outrage. Joe Biden’s prominent Generation Z supporter, Harry Sisson issued a controversial tweet that some interpreted as a threat against Trump and the Supreme Court.

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Sisson suggested that Biden might send Seal Team 6 to “take all of them out,” noting that Biden would be immune from prosecution.

The “Seal Team 6” reference is a ridiculous hypothetical posed by DC U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Flo Pan during oral arguments in January. Pan speculated that ruling in Trump’s favor would grant him the power to eliminate political opponents.

Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita responded to Sisson’s post with, “Expect a visit,” obviously referring to a visit from the Feds for threatening to assassinate President Trump and SCOTUS.

Sisson then posted a video, claiming LaCivita was threatening him.

“Trump’s campaign manager Chris LaCivita responded to me by saying ‘expect a visit.’”

“What do you think that means? Is the Trump Campaign threatening me with a visit? Are they going to send guys to my house to keep me quiet?”

“You know, I’m just using my First Amendment right to tell them how awful their candidate is… This really is the perfect summary of the Trump campaign. Their candidate is so terrible they have to resort to tactics like this.”


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