Following McCarthy’s removal from the position of House Speaker, Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry wasted no time.
On Wednesday, he issued an order for former House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer to vacate his Capitol hideaway office.
Patrick McHenry took swift action immediately after slamming down the gavel.
Watch “The Rep. McHenry gavel slam”:
The Rep. Patrick McHenry gavel slam …. pic.twitter.com/TV1VGbkT7Y
— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) October 3, 2023
The New York Post reported, “A spokeswoman for Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told The Post that the former House majority leader had also been asked to vacate his Capitol hideaway office on Wednesday.”
McCarthy had previously selected McHenry as Speaker Pro Tempore earlier this year, granting him full House Speaker powers.
Earlier Wednesday, Breaking Digest reported that McHenry ordered former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to vacate her Capitol hideaway office by Wednesday.
Pelosi was not happy, calling McHenry’s decision to remove her from her hideaway office as a “sharp departure from tradition.”
“Sadly, because I am in California to mourn the loss of and pay tribute to my dear friend Dianne Feinstein, I am unable to retrieve my belongings at this time,” she said.