A man was taken into custody Tuesday morning after he was seen climbing the exterior of the Ritz-Carlton hotel in downtown Los Angeles.
The climber, identified as 22-year-old Maison Deschamps, explained that he climbed the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Downtown Los Angeles in order to raise money and bring awareness about a cause close to his heart.
With no rope and climbing chalk, Deschamps left a sign on the side of the hotel saying “Support Women, not Abortions”.
“Today we’re raising money for a mom named Olivia, to save her baby from abortion,” Deschamps said in an viral Instagram post from the nearly the top of the skyscraper.
Once he was able to reach the top of the hotel he was greeted by authorities and immediately taken into custody.
Maison has climbed six other buildings in the U.S. and he calls himself Pro-Life Spiderman. The organization he is raising money and awareness for is “Let Them Live”.