White House Has to Issue NINE Corrections to Biden’s Embarrassing Gaffe-Ridden NAACP Speech

by J Pelkey
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By now, it’s hardly surprising for Joe Biden to make unintelligible or blatantly false statements during a speech. However, his recent speech at the annual NAACP dinner in Detroit, Michigan, on Sunday, was particularly gaffe-ridden.

The White House had to issue NINE corrections to the official transcript of Joe Biden’s speech.

According to the New York Post, all nine of these flubs were struck through and corrected for both factual and pronunciation errors.

The first correction came early in Biden’s speech when he mistakenly referred to a “pandemic” during his time as Barack Obama’s vice president. The White House edited this to “recession.”

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Next, Biden said he was “humbled to receive this organization,” which the White House corrected to “award.”

Later, Biden mentioned he had just delivered the commencement speech at Morehouse College, calling it “inspiresing.” This was corrected to “inspiring.”

Biden also stated, “On my watch, more Black Americans have health insurance than ever in all of history. I protected and expanded the Affordable Care Act, saving millions of families $800,000 in prem- — $8,000 in — a year in premiums,” This error was corrected to just $800.

Additionally, Biden claimed, “We’re cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents down,” which was edited to, “We’re cracking down on corporate landlords to keep rents down.”

He made further grammatical errors before referring to the January 6 protesters as “irrectionists,” which the White House corrected to “insurrectionists.”

What an embarrassment.

From the New York Post:

White House officials went into cleanup mode after President Biden delivered a gaffe-riddled speech to the NAACP in Detroit Sunday — making a whopping nine corrections to the formal transcript.

The changes fixed both trips of Biden’s tongue — such as calling Capitol rioters “irrectionists” — and flagrant retellings of history, like claiming he was still vice president during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The official transcript, released Monday, made no bones about the errors, with strikethroughs of Biden’s mistakes and the corrected comments included in brackets.

The 81-year-old’s address to the 69th annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner was part of an outreach effort to black Americans as polls show support for him softening in the demographic.

All of these mistakes were made while Biden was reading from a teleprompter.

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