Breaking Digest previously reported that the Arizona Supreme Court issued a new order on Wednesday, sending an essential portion of Kari Lake’s Election lawsuit back to the trial court for further review.
On Thursday, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson issued a new order, setting the schedule for review of Kari Lake’s signature verification challenge after the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the trial court must reconsider this issue.
Kari released the following statement after the Arizona Supreme court ordered the case be sent back to trial court:
For years signatures have been a third rail for Maricopa County. The process of verifying these signatures is the only security measure on mail-in ballots. The amount of time allotted to check these signatures was only 8 seconds, which is not humanly possible. The system is completely broken. That’s why they are absolutely terrified of letting anyone take a look at their signatures.
The signature verification process in Maricopa County is a house of cards. Thanks to this ruling my team will get the chance to topple it.
Immediately following the election, multiple Maricopa County Elections Department officials – individuals who were involved in the signature verification process – reached out to me and urged my team to review the signatures.
Now, thanks to this Supreme Court ruling, my team will be able to give the signatures the scrutiny they deserve.
Three whistleblowers came forward with revelations of massive failures in the signature verification process. These whistleblowers were intimately involved in the process and they allege that Maricopa County WILLFULLY ignored law and procedure.
This violation of procedure allowed for tens of thousands of illegal ballots to be approved and counted. Aside from all other issues, including nearly 60% of polling locations being inoperable on Election Day, this issue alone casts the veracity of Katie Hobb’s victory in serious doubt.
When we verify these allegations, there will be no doubt that this election was compromised and that its results fail to meet the standard of certainty as outlined in Arizona law.”
The criminals who stole Arizona’s midterm elections are threatening to put Kari in jail on felony charges for speaking out and sharing images of fraudulent ballot signatures that were made public by the Arizona Senate. They’ll do anything to stop the truth from being revealed.
Kari told the criminals in Arizona, “hit me with your best shot” and vowed to “never, ever back down!”
Kari posted a prayer request for the whistleblowers’ safety.
Judge Thompson gave all parties until Tuesday, March 28, to file a memorandum of law “as a supplement to the previously filed Motions To Dismiss, Response and Reply.”
He further ordered the parties to appear for oral argument on Thursday, March 30, at 9:00 am.
Read the full order below: