The Tim Walz Stolen Valor Scandal Just Got Worse, As Bloomberg News Gets Caught Editing Report

by J Pelkey
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As previously reported by Breaking Digest, on Tuesday, Kamala Harris announced her selection of radical leftist Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

One of Walz’s purported strengths was his two decades of service in the Minnesota Army National Guard. However, immediately after his announcement, Democrat sympathizer accounts were touting him as the “highest-ranking enlisted soldier to serve in Congress.”

A closer examination of Walz’s record reveals a less than heroic past. Walz negotiated an early retirement that involved a one-grade reduction in rank to avoid going into combat with the unit he had helped train.

Avoiding duty is one thing, but running away and lying about it is entirely different.

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Shortly after Kamala Harris announced her picking Walz, an account linked to her released a video of Walz delivering an anti-gun speech. The video’s date and location are unclear, but it seems to be from a town hall-style meeting.

In the video, Walz is shown stating, “I’ll take my kick in the butt from the NRA. I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt. And I gave the money back. And I’ll tell you what I have been doing, I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can research the impacts of gun violence… We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war.”

The problem is Walz never saw a single day of combat in Iraq or anywhere else, for that matter.

Walz dropped out of the Army after his unit was deployed to Iraq.


Two high-ranking former military officers accused Walz of “stolen valor,” claiming he falsely presented himself as a veteran to gain benefits.

The retired leaders stated that it is their duty to reveal what they described as a pattern of deception regarding Walz’s military career.

In a 2018 endorsement letter to the West Central Tribune, retired Command Sergeant Majors Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr recounted their extensive experiences with Gov. Walz during his time in the state’s National Guard. In the letter, Behrends and Herr describe a pattern of procedural disregard by Gov. Walz, and alleged that he ultimately ran his successful 2018 campaign for office on the military service that he failed to complete.

Following are some key takeaways from the letter:

  • Reenlistment and Academy Enrollment: Tim Walz reenlisted in the Minnesota Army National Guard on September 18, 2001, committing to a six-year term. He was selected to attend the prestigious United States Army Sergeants Major Academy but failed to complete the course, which comes with specific obligations.
  • Deployment and Promotion: In late summer 2003, Walz deployed with the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion to Italy for Operation Enduring Freedom. Upon returning to Minnesota in 2004, he was conditionally promoted to Command Sergeant Major but did not meet the conditions required for that promotion.
  • Quitting Before Deployment: In early 2005, as his unit prepared for mobilization to Iraq, Walz abruptly quit, leaving his fellow soldiers without leadership. His rationale—claiming he needed to retire to run for Congress—has been challenged by the retired sergeants major, who argue he could have sought permission to run while remaining in service.
  • Misrepresentation of Service: The letter highlights discrepancies in Walz’s statements about his military tenure. While he claims to be the highest-ranking enlisted service member ever to serve in Congress, critics point out that he was only conditionally promoted and subsequently reduced in rank due to his departure from the academy.

The retired Command Sergeants Major of the Minnesota National Guard criticized Walz for leaving before fulfilling his obligations, not completing the academy, and misrepresenting his service record. They argued that he ultimately let down his country, state, unit, and fellow soldiers.

Read the retired officers’ scathing letter here.

Now, Bloomberg News has been caught covering up Tim Walz’s stolen valor.

Bloomberg reporter Josh Green stealth-edited his article, replacing “Iraq” with “Italy.”

From Bloomberg’s original report, before the edit:

The stealth edit:

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