Rep. McClain Torches Disgraced SS Director Kim Cheatle: “What Are You Covering Up?”

by J Pelkey
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The clock may be ticking on Kim Cheatle’s time as head of the Secret Service.

During Monday’s House Oversight Committee hearing on the colossal failures of the Secret Service on Jul 13, 2024, which lasted about five hours, Cheatle faced grilling from both parties demanding answers.

Democrats, including Reps Raja Krishnamoorthi, Ro Khanna, and even squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, posed pertinent questions, but Cheatle repeatedly gave vague and evasive responses.

Her reluctance to answer even basic questions only intensified frustration, leaving representatives more exasperated by the end of the session than at the start.

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Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) criticized the Secret Service’s leadership and dismissed Cheatle’s “hollow words.”

McClain began her questioning by emphasizing that answering questions effectively is crucial in retaining her position, noting that Cheatle seemed unprepared and unable to provide clear answers, raising concerns about her overall readiness.

McClain excoriated Cheatle for referring all questions to the FBI and failing to address basic event preparation, which falls under the Secret Service’s purview, not the FBI’s investigation. McClain asked Cheatle who they should contact at the FBI, emphasizing, “wait for it, wait for it.”

Cheatle responded that she was “not certain,” which understandably frustrated McClain.

During her cross-examination, McClain managed to get Cheatle to admit that the FBI knew how many shell casings were on the roof, but Cheatle was unwilling to share this information with the Committee. “What is the answer to that question?” McClain demanded. “What are you covering up? What are you hiding, my friend?”

Cheatle insisted she wasn’t covering anything up.

McClain retorted that it wasn’t a matter of “can’t” but “wouldn’t.” She argued that if Cheatle wouldn’t provide answers to the American people, she should step aside for someone who would.

Here’s a transcript of the relevant portions of the exchange:

Rep. McClain: On the other hand, the Secret Service has a leadership problem, and it falls on you. And although I appreciate your hollow words, that ‘the buck stops here,’ I was actually hoping for some answers.

Dir. Cheatle, you must answer to the American people if you want to stay in charge. It’s really, really simple. You wanna keep your job, right?

Cheatle: Absolutely.

Rep. McClain: Okay. The best way to keep your job is to answer the questions, not play this shell game, not sing the Slim Shady song, ‘wasn’t me.’ I mean, come on!

How long did you prepare for this hearing?

Cheatle: I’ve been preparing for this hearing over the weekend and into last week.

Rep. McClain: Okay. Five days? Six days?


Cheatle: I’m not sure the date that I got the letter asking me to be here.

Rep. McClain: What are you sure of? Are you sure of the color of your hair? Are you sure of the color of your suit? Just tell the American people what are you sure of? You don’t even know when you started preparing for the hearing?! I mean, the biggest hearing of your life, and you have no clue? You can’t remember when you started preparing for the hearing.

Can you understand why those words seem hollow to the American people who are supposed to entrust their faith in you?

Cheatle: I assure you, the moment I received notification…

Rep. McClain: But you can’t remember? You have a little Alzheimer’s going? Dementia? You can’t remember?

Cheatle: I have several active investigations going on, and an operational agency to run.

Rep. McClain: Okay. But you wanna take accountability, right? ‘The buck stops’ with you, right?

Cheatle: Right. I am taking accountability.

Rep. McClain: Super, then let’s start by trying to answer some questions.

You keep referring to the FBI. When asked how many shell casings there were on the roof, you referred to the FBI. When asked if there were explosives in the car, you referred to the FBI. When asked if Crooks was acting along, you referred to the FBI. See a common theme here? I could go on and on.

My question is: Who at the FBI should I speak with? Wait for it… wait for it.

Cheatle: The FBI is responsible for…

Rep. McClain: Is there a name?

Cheatle: I’m not certain…

Rep. McClain: I’m not certain! Alright, here we go, ‘I’m not certain,’ ‘I don’t know.’

Let me ask a different question: Have you been in communication with the FBI?

Cheatle: Yes, I have.

Rep. McClain: With whom?

Cheatle: I speak with the director and the deputy director.

Rep. McClain: And what have they shared with you about this investigation?

So, I’ll give you an opportunity to answer again.

Did they share with you how many shell casings were on the roof?

Cheatle: They have shared with me…

Rep. McClain: Did they share with you how many shell casings were on the roof?

Cheatle: Yes.

Rep. McClain: Okay. How many were there?

Cheatle: I would refer to the FBI…

Rep. McClain: How many were there?!


Rep. McClain: So they’ve shared the information with you, you just don’t want to share the information with us. Correct?

Cheatle: We have concurrent investigations that are going on.

Rep. McClain: So they have shared this information with you. You know the answer to the question. You just refuse to answer the question from the member of Congress who has subpoenaed you to be here. Is there a different answer to that question?


Rep. McClain: If you’re supposed to be in charge, if the buck stops with you, how come you can’t share the answers? What are you covering up? What are you hiding, my friend?


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