A woman faces charges for killing a man by allegedly driving her car onto the sidewalk outside of a deli in an attempt to run over another woman.

From Fox 5 New York:
The incident took place around 7 a.m. on Saturday in Far Rockaway.
Kiani Phoenix, 26, faces numerous charges in connection with the incident.
The Queens District Attorney says Phoenix allegedly intended to strike a woman with whom she had a dispute and drove onto the Beach 20th Street sidewalk where the victim was sitting on his walker. Authorities claim she then backed up, allegedly hit another pedestrian, and sped away from the scene.
The NYPD says it all started when Phoenix got into an argument with a 27-year-old woman at a convenience store on Beach 20th St. near New Haven Ave. The argument turned into a brawl outside of the store.
Several onlookers attempted to separate the women and they stopped fighting.
Prosecutors say surveillance video then showed Phoenix get into a black Honda Accord, put the car in reverse, turn the vehicle toward the sidewalk, and then accelerate onto the sidewalk.
People tried to dart out of the way but 59-year-old Milton Storch was unable to get out of his walker and was hit. Police say the car then stopped and accelerated in reverse, hitting a 36-year-old pedestrian behind the car.
The car then sped off.
Storch was taken to a Queens hospital where he was pronounced deceased. A second man was taken to the hospital and treated for back and hip injuries.
An attorney for Phoenix says his client has “mental problems.”