Nevada’s Governor Joe Lombardo Predicts Biden Will Lose State Due to Inflation

by J Pelkey
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Nevada’s Republican Governor Joe Lombardo predicts that inflation will cause Joe Biden to lose the state in November.

If Trump wins Nevada, it would be a historic victory, as Republicans haven’t won a presidential election there since George W. Bush in 2004.

Governor Lombardo asserts that people in his state are facing real economic hardship and that Biden doesn’t understand their struggles.

Fox News reported:

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Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo argued that President Biden’s “failure to rein in national inflation” could cost him the election as voters in his state find the current economy “unsustainable.”

“Since Mr. Biden took office, prices have risen 19 percent, a major factor in real average weekly earnings dropping 4 percent. This type of economic turmoil is simply unsustainable for Nevada families,” the Republican wrote in a New York Times guest essay.

“If recent polling on Democratic candidates in Nevada is any indication, and I think it is, Mr. Biden has a big problem to overcome, because after three and a half years, Nevadans are losing confidence in him to do something meaningful about inflation and housing and are left with the feeling that he just doesn’t get it,” he added…

Nevadans have been paying an extra $1,199 per month to purchase the same goods and services as they did in January 2021 because of inflation, according to a U.S. Joint Economic Committee estimate that Lombardo cited.

One major potential advantage for President Trump in Nevada is his plan to eliminate all taxes on tips. With many people in Nevada working in the service industry, this idea would likely be extremely popular among them.

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