Congressional Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX) has been blocked from joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) because she is a Republican.
About the CHC, as stated on its website:
The Congressional Hispanic Conference seeks to emphasize both national and international issues that have a significant impact on the Hispanic community in the United States. The members believe that Hispanics play a vital role in our democracy and must be actively engaged in all the issues facing our nation. For too long, Hispanics have been framed as a single issue community. The Congressional Hispanic Conference creates a forum for Members of Congress to collaborate in the creation of a cohesive legislative agenda, and is dedicated to promoting the interests of all Hispanics.
It is not stated in the “About” section of its website that only Democrats can join the organization.
Apparently, they are only interested in promoted left-leaning Hispanics.
The CHC is rejecting a powerful female Hispanic that, according to a recent poll, has a higher net favorability than CHC member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
More from Townhall:
According to those familiar with the situation, Flores requested to join CHC in early October and was rejected shortly thereafter. Flores is not only first Mexican-born woman to serve in Congress, but she also represents a district along the U.S.-Mexico border that is overwhelmingly Latino. CHC used to have Republicans members but they went on to create the Congressional Hispanic Conference as their own version of the CHC in the 2000s.
The CHC’s website websites states the Caucus “addresses national and international issues and crafts policies that impact the Hispanic community. The function of the Caucus is to serve as a forum for the Hispanic Members of Congress to coalesce around a collective legislative agenda.”
The website does not state in its “About” section that only Democrats can join the organization.
“As the first Mexican-born Congresswoman to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives, I thought joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus would be a constructive way to build bridges and work in a bipartisan manner on behalf of our constituents. I was wrong. This denial once again proves a bias towards conservative Latinas that don’t fit their narrative or ideology,” Flores told Townhall.
Flores responded to the news on Twitter saying, “As the first Mexican-born American Congresswoman, I thought the Hispanic Caucus would be open in working together. This denial once again proves a bias towards conservative Latinas that don’t fit their narrative or ideology.”
Earlier this year, Flores flipped the 34th Congressional District seat red in a special election, a seat held by Democrats for more than 100 years.
On November 8th, Flores faces Democrat Vicente Gonzalez, a three-term congressman, who has opted to run in a new district created after redistricting.
While the newly drawn district is said to be bluer than when Flores won the special election, The Cook Political Report has moved the race from blue to toss-up.