James Carville Is Frustrated That Trump is “More Ahead Than He’s Ever Been” Despite the Left’s Attacks: “It’s Not Working!” [Video]

by J Pelkey
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Democrat strategist and former Bill Clinton staffer James Carville is melting down because none of the attacks Democrats have launched against Trump are working.

Carville’s latest outburst came on the heels of a new CNN poll that showed Trump is widening his lead over Joe Biden.

President Trump is leading in all 7 swing states and now Virginia and Minnesota are in play. He is struggling to cope with the fact that Trump is “more ahead than he’s ever been,” despite the numerous attacks the left has launched against him.

Carville is also troubled by the fact that the public isn’t buying their narrative about January 6th.

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Frustrated with the Democrat party’s messaging strategies, Carville pointed out the need for a new approach. “We’ve got to try to think of something different because what we’re doing is really not working.”


Here is a transcript from Real Clear Politics:

Trump’s more ahead than he’s ever been, more — fewer people think January 6 was any kind of what it was, an assault on the temple of democracy, our Constitution, whatever you want to say.

It’s going the wrong way. It’s not working. Everything that we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included. It’s hard starting your 80th year, and like everyone else I have an opinion of myself. And the opinion I’ve come to is I don’t matter.

It doesn’t matter. You can prepare and you can be on TV, you can write pieces, you can have a YouTube channel, you can have a podcast and nothing, nothing!

We’ve got to try to think of something different because what we’re doing in really really not working.

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