Another huge company has signaled that it would like to go broke.
CVS Pharmacy has gone fully woke and will force all employees — without exception — to play along with the fantasy that people can change their genders.
Employees at the retail giant’s thousands of U.S. stores have recently been given a list of insane rules on how to address their “trans” coworkers, including that any restroom is to be used by anyone at any time, according to the guidelines obtained by FOX Business.
Additionally, CVS employees will be entitled to medical leave of absence, under the Family and Medical Leave Act, state law, and/or CVS Health policy, for gender transition treatment, the guidelines state.
“You may also wish to have appropriate medical care to support your transition, including treatments such as hormone replacement therapy and/or gender confirmation surgery,” the guide states.
“During and after the transition has occurred, CVS Health encourages you to continue to partner with your Leader and your Advice & Counsel representative, and to immediately report any issues that you might have with your employment, your work environment, and/or your Leader, co-workers, clients, and customers,” it continues.
CVS tells transgender employees to tell their coworkers that they “won’t tolerate even subtle forms of discrimination or harassment in the workplace.”
Employees are not permitted to “misgender” a transgender employee once they have been told their preferred pronouns and must use their new chosen name when addressing them.
The guidelines contain a section titled “Guidelines for Supporting a Colleague who is Transitioning,” which “encourages employees to be an ally by asking colleagues to let them know if they say or do anything that makes them uncomfortable.”
Employees are told to use bathrooms that are “the most appropriate” to make them feel validated.
“Any colleague, customer, or patient — transgender or otherwise — may choose to use the restroom and/or locker room that is appropriate to the gender they identify with,” the guide reads.
Employees may also dress in accordance with their gender identity.
We’ll have to see how this plays out for CVS. It has not gone well for other companies who have pulled similar stunts.