CNN Data Reporter Shocked at President Trump’s Level of Support Among Black Voters: “Holy Cow, Folks… I’m Like Speechless” [Video]

by J Pelkey
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A CNN data reporter was shocked as he revealed President Trump’s surge in support among black voters, particularly younger ones.

According to the Daily Caller, CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten joined reporter John Berman on Monday morning to discuss the state of the 2024 Presidential race. When the conversation shifted to the candidates’ standings among black voters, Enten had some surprising information to share.

Polling data shared by Enten indicates that Trump is on track to achieve a historic overperformance with black voters, securing over 20% of their support, whereas Republicans typically garner less than 10%.

When Berman asked Enten for more details, Enten revealed that Trump’s surge in support among black voters is driven primarily by those under 50, cutting Biden’s support by more than half in just four years.

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In contrast, Biden’s support among older black voters has only decreased slightly.

A surprised Enten concluded by telling Berman that this is the first time he’s witnessed such a shift.

Holy cow, folks, holy cow. Look at this. Joe Biden was up by 80 points among this group back at this point in 2020, look at where that margin has careened down towards. It’s now just, get this, 37 points. That lead has dropped by more than half.

Mr. Berman, I’ve just never seen anything like this. I’m like speechless because you always look at history and you go, “Okay, this is a historic moment.” If this polling is anywhere near correct, we’re looking at a historic moment right now, where black voters under the age of 50, which have historically been such a big part of the democratic coalition, are leaving in droves.


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