On Friday, Victim’s Rights Attorney, Carrie Goldberg posted a shocking Twitter thread. It tells the story about one of her clients who is suing Amazon for selling suicide kits to their now deceased kids. And a mainstream media that’s so in bed with big business that they cancelled the story, even after a number of young people died
This week C.A. Goldberg, PLLC and Fury Duarte filed a lawsuit on behalf of Ruth Scott, whose beloved son Mikael died after ingesting sodium nitrite (SN) he purchased on Amazon.
Goldberg notes that the product specified in the lawsuit should not be mistaken for curing salt, which is only 6% pure SN and used to cure meats.
Amazon is accused of creating a “suicide kit” by recommending that purchasers also buy Tagamet (to avoid vomiting up the poison), a personal use scale to measure the proper quantity, and the Amazon Edition of the Peaceful Pill Handbook, a suicide manual with an entire chapter on how to die by SN.
With Amazon’s Prime Delivery, people can obtain deadly sodium nitrite (and the products Amazon specifically recommends purchasing alongside it: anti-vomiting pills, instruction book, and a scale to weigh powders) within a day of learning about the process from online communities that specifically suggest purchasing the compound from Amazon.
In addition, Amazon is accused of routinely removing 1-star reviews from grieving family members trying to warn about the dangers. Amazon’s own search engine helped guide people to the product through autofills.
Amazon continued to sell the “suicide kit”, despite being urged to stop.
CBS reportedly dove into this story but then cancelled it at the last minute. Why?
From Goldberg’s Twitter thread:
As background, on Feb 3, 2022 we filed a lawsuit in WA State against Amazon on behalf of the Estate of Mikael Scott. In Dec. 2020 Mikael purchased a chemical from Amazon, 98% pure Sodium Nitrite, for $19.99. 2/
It was prime delivered two days later. He died three days after that. There is no household use for pure SN, a chemical that when mixed with water and swigged causes a very painful death within 20 min. 3/
(NOTE: the product we’re suing about should not be mistaken for curing salt which is only 6% pure SN and used to cure meats.). Starting in April 2021, we began urging Amazon to stop 4/
selling suicide kits to households. Unlike other products that could be used for suicide (i.e. knives, ropes), there is no other use for Sodium Nitrite at this level of purity outside the laboratory. And Amazon was bundling SN with other products to basically create 5/
create a suicide kit — Amazon recommends that purchasers also buy Tagamet to avoid vomiting up the poison, a personal use scale to measure the proper quantity, and the Amazon Edition of the Peaceful Pill Handbook, a suicide manual with an entire chapter on how to die by SN. 6/
Amazon also routinely removed 1-star reviews from grieving family members trying to warn about the dangers. Amazon’s own search engine helped guide people to the product through autofills. 7/
At the time, we were also taking action with Congress and DOJ and the press to stop the pro-suicide forum that directs people to buy this product from Amazon.Amazon’s lawyers from Perkins told us Amazon would continue to sell SN because they can’t be held liable if 8/
somebody uses one of their products for suicide.NOTE: it is against the law in our country to aid or assist in another person’s suicide. In 11 states, under exceedingly narrow and legislated circumstances, physicians are allowed to
9/carefully facilitate the death of a proven terminally ill patient. However, contrary to what Amazon may think, there is no exception in the law that allows for corporate-assisted suicide. 10/
The day we got the letter from Amazon’s attorney defending their right to continue to sell this product was a turning point in my life. At the same time, my partner in this case and I realized this: Amazon is a serial killer. 11/
The rest of the story can be read on threadreaderapp.com.