Border Patrol Union Brutally Fact-Checks Joe Biden In Real Time on Twitter/X

by J Pelkey
1 comment

During the debate, Joe Biden claimed he was endorsed by the Border Patrol. However, the Border Patrol Union quickly responded in real time, stating that they did not endorse him.


Here’s the Border Patrol Union’s response:

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Preston June 28, 2024 - 7:32 am

Americans need to wake up to the fact that Biden and his Commie, Marxist Democrats, elites and globalists are traitors who are out to destroy our Republic. They lie, cheat and steal to keep and gain more power over us. They attack our freedoms of speech, Religion and especially our 2nd Amendment rights. They give free rain to Marxist organizations, ANTIFA and BLM to destroy statues and buildings. Attack police and citizens, true insurrectionist! They brainwash our children and military with Marxist DEI/CRT and LGBQT ideology. They use Race, Climate Change and a crises to destroy our freedoms, divide our country and gain more power over us. They opened our borders to millions of illegal migrants bringing in more Crime, terrorist, human trafficking and drugs. They aide and abet these criminals with free food, water, healthcare, housing, transportation, education, lawyers and other social services! All at the expense of the American taxpayers. Yes wake up Biden is not just an old man, he’s a Traitor and should be removed and treated as such immediately!


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