On Monday the Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss our 2022 Midterm Action List that they released on Monday morning.
In the first segment, Jim Hoft and Steve Bannon discussed Joe Biden’s Impossible Victory.
In the Second and Third segments, Jim Hoft and Steve Bannon discuss the 2022 Election Action Item List to save the 2022 election from fraud.
Here are the 7 Steps to Save the 2022 Election from fraud.
From the Gateways Pundit’s: 2022 Midterm Action List – SEVEN STEPS You Can Take to SAVE OUR ELECTION From Fraud
If we all get involved in the 2022 midterms, WE can stop a majority of the election fraud. IT’S TIME TO ACT!
One thing we learned from the 2020 election is that post-election litigation does not prevent Democrats from cheating and stealing elections. It’s time to be proactive and step up before the midterm election. We currently have one month to act. Patriots must register as poll workers, observers, and get involved. But we must do more.
Now that citizens are aware of the fraud, many jurisdictions are taking active measures to prevent discovery and disclosure of it. Below are several county-level suggestions to help prevent fraud. A few might require legal action. If you have additional suggestions add it to the “Comments” section. If those suggestions need a more private disclosure, contact GP directly using this email. A more detailed version of this article is available in PDF that we will update as needed.
Below are a few highlights of what’s covered in this article:
- Lawsuits demanding oversight of key areas while elections are active.
- The several checklists to remind workers what to look for, and create incident reports.
- Demand GOP observers at ballot transfer loading docks, USPS Regional Facility, and so on
- GOP election staff need an external War Room team to handle issues on their behalf.
- War Rooms must contact top election officials and county supervisors immediately.
- Obtain printing vendor details about QVF files, ballots printed, total ballots mailed.
- Track in real-time all UAA ballots leading up to election day, and while counting.
- Contact local and national media outlets about issues, and name the obstructing officials.

The left launches lawsuits in the final weeks of an election cycle to force courts into decisions. They’ve been able to change registration deadlines, add ballot boxes, and so on. Some cases have been heard in as little as 2 days. You should focus lawsuits on the areas that have the most impact while the election is active. These are areas that will solve past instances of fraud, especially if this fraud was previously documented. Here are a few ideas.
- Demand GOP observers be stationed at major ballot transfer locations. This includes USPS Regional Centers, tabulation center loading docks, and so on.
- The total ballot count of what arrives or departs must be provided to observers at the major ballot transfer locations.
- Demand that the “Total Ballots Cast” be provided on election night. Knowing this total of “all voters” who participated prevents late ballots from being added. Most just publish the ballots they “counted”, then update this over time.
- Have all distance rules terminated, like that 6 foot scam. Allow qualified observers into all areas of the tabulation center and polling locations.
- Demand all delivery vehicles that move ballots or equipment, especially rental trucks, be equipped with temporary GPS tracking.
- Each county has its own unique issues. So ask for more than what you want. Then reach a settlement agreement for what you really need.
Most election officials won’t disclose the precise number of ballots printed, mailed, or those lists. Jurisdictions typically send an initial Qualified Voter File (QVF) mailing list to their printing vendor. The vendor then sends ballots to everyone on this list. They then send supplemental lists as new voter registrations arrive. Multiple lists create chaos, duplicates, extras, and worse. Obtain written answers that come directly from the vendor.
- Find out how many lists were provided to the print vendor, and their time stamps.
- Does the vendor check each list to verify those voters have not already been sent ballots?
- Does the vendor data scrub the addresses using USPS services to reduce undeliverable mail?
Get the total ballot count for each QVF list. Determine the “Grand Total” of all ballots printed & mailed.

Complaints from GOP poll workers and observers fall on deaf ears and get dismissed as partisan disruptions. Election supervisors deflect these complaints to follow orders. If issues arise, GOP staff inside tabulation centers or other key areas must escalate to an external crew, in real-time. Each hour processes 5-8,000 ballots so time is of the essence. This external support crew must include lawyers, election experts, and media staff.
- In many States, the tabulation staff cannot leave until polls close. Have cell phones waiting just outside their entrance.
- The support team must accept & vet calls in real-time and have some staff close to the center.
- Command must escalate the issue immediately to numerous top county officials by phone, or enter their offices.
- Negotiate a resolution in a timely fashion or require a temporary shutdown of the faulty area.
- Send the issue and those obstructing to the media. This includes local radio, TV, national sites, social media influencers.
- Option of renting a motor home, for those worst tabulations centers, parked nearby as the command center.

Bad actors are always looking for places where they can deposit large volumes of ballots at one time. The “Emergency” and “Satellite” centers are known locations to accept massive ballot dumps. They have little in-person voting but end up with bins full of mail-in ballots that were dropped off. It’s important to have eyeballs on these locations and to disrupt any “bulk ballot delivery”. A bizarre USPS court ruling two days before the 2020 election led to people in plain clothes dropping off trays of ballots at vote centers in swing States.
Ballots that many call “return to sender” are actually named Undeliverable-as-Addressed (UAA). These authentic blank ballots are to be returned to the jurisdiction. They are huge numbers that seem to disappear in almost every major county. A tray with just 200 UAA ballots can be worth as much as $4,000 to bad actors. Keep a damn close eye on these in your jurisdiction. This Lake County, FL official is next to a full rack of Voter postcards that were all undeliverable (UAA).

Contact your county and ask some questions, and collect important contact info.
- Are any real-time type data feeds available for analytics?
- What do you do with the UAA ballots?
- What is your plan for dealing with the (UAA) undeliverable ballots?
- How do you flag UAA ballots and in what type of timeframe does that occur?
- Can you provide the USPS daily report that lists the number of UAA ballots they processed?
There are three separate PDF checklists to help election workers create “Incident Reports”. These are specific to Polling Places, Voter Experience, and Machine Testing. More importantly, they show GOP staff what areas to look out for. All 3 checklists and training videos can be downloaded at this website. There’s also a video on how to customize the form to your county or State. These are exceptional documents with great detail, created by Missouri Canvassers, and Cause of America-Missouri.

The radical left and their media allies infiltrated GOP poll worker training. They pushed a narrative that GOP training is biased and is creating overzealous election workers. This fake news is meant to provide cover for sketchy election jurisdictions. The outrage could lead to a justification of unequal hiring, ideology screening, and worse. It has motivated some officials, using hypothetical situations as justification, to create new rules aimed at “preventing disruptions”. No GOPer should be forced to stand in just one boxed area, or other craziness. Learn the new rules and push back before November 8th.
Check with your County GOP or local groups to learn what actions they are taking and how you might help. Some counties already have small “Central Command” teams of 2-4 lawyers for support. However, most of these do not have a “fire drill” sense of urgency to escalate issues in real time. They don’t understand resolving issues after the election is simply not working. Help your GOP get creative.
Tea Party Patriots – Allows you to choose from 14 interests. One of the better.
GOP Victory – This is the RNC. Shows meetings across the U.S., post events, and more .
Operation Overwatch – Although new, it’s for hardcore patriots. Some law enforcement backing.
Election Integrity Network – Insightful newsletters, part of the Conservative Policy Institute.