Kari Lake’s case in Maricopa County continues and it’s not going well for team Hobbs.
One witness the County brought in to argue for their side was Kenneth Mayer.
Kenneth Mayer is a woke professor who wasn’t even in Maricopa County on election day.
Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs’ “expert” witness accidentally made the case for getting rid of the voting machines and hand-counting the votes.
Mayer admitted during testimony that tabulator malfunctions are, “One of the most common issues that arises in the work on Election Day operations… It can happen for reasons that are not anticipatable. It can be, sort of, machine breakdowns, or the sorts of things that are hard to predict.”
Mayor argued that there was no evidence of voter disenfranchisement on election day.
But Mayer testified under oath that he did not verify the accuracy of the data provided by Maricopa County in regard to voting center wait time reports on Election Day. He just took their word for it that it was accurate.
He also admits he wasn’t even in Maricopa County on election day.
Mayer did not review any of the election evidence.
In addition to being unfamiliar with the machines, ballots, chain of custody and math involved in elections, Mayer is an unabashed Trump-hater.