A huge group of concerned citizens and constitutionalists are fed up with the tyranny in the state of California. This group is using West Virginia as a model to create a new state that will abide by the US Constitution separate from the state of California.
The New California State group has been working since 2017 to get away from the radical and unconstitutional actions taken by the current leadership in California. This group has created its own committees in counties throughout the state.
From the New California State website:
After years of over taxation, regulation, and mono party politics the State of California and many of its 58 Counties have become ungovernable. The nature of the State becoming ungovernable has caused a decline in essential basic services such as education, law enforcement, fire protection, transportation, housing, health care, taxation, voter rights, banking, state pension systems, prisons, state parks, water resource management, home ownership, infrastructure and many more. To be sure A recent study issued by the U.S. News and World Report ranked California No. 23 in the nation based on an aggregate score measuring economy, education, infrastructure, crime, and more.
Enter New California State an organization seeking to educate California citizens about their right to form a new state from the State of California. New California State is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. The organization is working together with likeminded individuals and groups to reach a common goal: to achieve a state split in accordance with the U.S. Constitution (Article IV, Sec. 3).
Founded in 2017 New California State declared its Independence on January 15, 2018, and has conducted 6 Constitutional Conventions across the state, where delegates of the New California State movement came together to construct the New California State Constitution and pass critical legislation to create New California State. The New California Legislature has to date passed 23 Resolutions including a resolution to “Restore the State of California”.
During the 6th Constitutional Convention New California State keynote speaker former Gov. and advisor to President Trump, Mike Huckabee endorsed the New California State.
The Need for New California
The U.S. Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Alta California Declaration of Independence of 1836 and the Sonoma Proclamation of 1846 declared the Right of the People in the states of Alta California and California respectively to throw off the bonds of tyranny.
Constitutional Authority to Act
The current state of California has become governed by a tyranny, which rivals those expressed in the above documents. Therefore the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Constitution as adapted in 1783 by the Congress of the United States of America, the Alta California Declaration of Independence of 1836, the Sonoma Proclamation of 1846, and the California State Constitution of 1848 Mandate the Right, the Responsibility, the Duty of the People who are suffering the long train of abuses and usurpations at the hands of a tyrannical government to abolish and make new a government by the People and for the People under GOD.
Watch New California State founder, Paul Preston, explain why Californians want to break away from California:
During the Civil War, a group of American patriots broke off from Virginia because they didn’t want to be part of the Confederacy. They created their own state, West Virginia.
Now this group of patriots in California is doing the same. The group served notice to Gavin Newsome that the current leadership in the state is in constitutional default.
Read the Declaration Default AAABBB 1 Tyranny We the People below: