Nancy Mace Wins South Carolina Primary in Major Blow to RINO Kevin McCarthy’s “Revenge Tour”

by J Pelkey
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In a major blow to the RINO establishment, particularly Kevin McCarthy who aimed to unseat her, America-First candidate Nancy Mace emerged victorious in the South Carolina 1st congressional district primary.

Rep. Mace, one of the few Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy and who received an endorsement from President Trump, secured the race with approximately 57 percent of the vote. Her opponent, Catherine Templeton, the former South Carolina state director of labor, licensing, and regulation, had the backing and substantial financial support of McCarthy and his allies, according to ABC.

In her victory speech, Mace expressed gratitude to President Trump for his endorsement, stating, “President Trump, South Carolina will have your back in November. Thank you all for standing by me and sticking with me, and many of you for sticking up for me.”

Rep. Mace’s victory indicates the waning influence of former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.

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Far-left CNN reported:

South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace will win the Republican primary for the state’s 1st Congressional District, CNN projects, staving off two challengers and a push by allies of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, whom she voted to oust.

By taking a majority of the vote Tuesday, Mace is projected to avoid a June 25 primary runoff in her quest for a third term representing the coastal Charleston-area seat.

Tuesday’s outcome comes as a much-needed win for Mace, who has become an increasingly polarizing figure within her party. She has faced waves of criticism over the past several months, including accusations that she created a toxic workplace to anger over votes by her and seven other Republicans to boot McCarthy from the speakership in October.

Days after the move, Mace wore a white T-shirt with a red “A” on the front, a reference to the novel “The Scarlet Letter” and what she described as a demonization of her vote.

McCarthy sought his revenge at the ballot box, with his allies spending millions attacking Mace during the primary. The congresswoman and groups backing her painted chief opponent Catherine Templeton – a former South Carolina Cabinet official under Republican Gov. Nikki Haley – as a McCarthy puppet.

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