Health statistics can be highly misleading, particularly when attempting to compare data between different countries or regions within a country.
It can be incredibly frustrating when non-comparable statistics are used to support arguments, often with a political agenda in mind.
One of the clearest examples is comparing infant mortality statistics between countries. In such comparisons, the US often fares poorly, but this discrepancy is primarily attributed to the fact that the US diligently includes all infant mortality cases in its data, while some other countries may exclude certain deaths, thereby skewing their statistics. For instance, in some countries, early infant deaths that were live births might be classified as stillborn, which affects their reported infant mortality rates. In contrast, the US includes any baby born alive who subsequently dies in its infant mortality statistics.
Another case in point is COVID statistics, where the US also ranks unfavorably, similar to infant mortality comparisons. Despite being repeatedly informed that the US government diligently counted COVID deaths, many have come to realize that there has been a significant overcounting of virus-related deaths.
Numerous factors contribute to this situation, including financial incentives for healthcare providers. The government provided higher payments to healthcare providers for COVID patients, and they also covered death expenses for those who succumbed to the virus. As a result, there was a potential incentive to attribute deaths to COVID, leading to an inflated count of COVID-related fatalities.
And, of course, the Deep State wanted everyone to be panicked and compliant, and what better way to do that than to claim every motorcycle accident victim died of COVID?
Now, yet another “conspiracy theory” has emerged as a headline.
After years of refuting what the majority of Americans knew to be true and subjecting the public to fear-mongering, the New York Times and the CDC are now publicly, though quietly, acknowledging that up to 30% of the “official” COVID deaths were not due to COVID.
Covid’s toll, to be clear, has not fallen to zero. The C.D.C.’s main Covid webpage estimates that about 80 people per day have been dying from the virus in recent weeks, which is equal to about 1 percent of overall daily deaths.
The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who [the] had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other C.D.C. data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category. A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases came to similar conclusions.
This acknowledgment directly contradicts years of insistence from The Times, other prominent news outlets, and Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci, who dismissed anyone questioning the accuracy of COVID death statistics as mere radical right-wing conspiracy theorists.
In 2020, The Times attacked President Trump for his suggestion that the number of COVID deaths was exaggerated, asserting that “most statisticians and public health experts” disagreed with him and contending that the actual number of deaths was “far higher” than reported.
Fauci also refuted Trump’s claim, stating that it lacked any factual basis. However, it later emerged that traffic fatalities, gunshot fatalities, and other unrelated deaths were added to the total COVID death count.
This is not an admission that they lied, but rather an attempt to cover their own asses now that the situation has evolved.
They got what they wanted: widespread panic, the 2020 Presidential election, smearing Republicans, social media censorship, and suppressing any dissent against their pursuit of power.
This just further proves that everything is political, even health care.