A mint condition baseball card of the New York Yankees slugger sold for $12.6 million Sunday—a record price for a piece of sports memorabilia.
The 1952 Topps baseball card was sold through Heritage Auctions by Anthony Giordano, a waste management businessman from New Jersey. He had bought the card at sports memorabilia show in New York City in 1991 for $50,000.
Mr. Giordano, 75 years old, stopped watching the online auction Saturday night when the price hit $10 million, he told the Associated Press. His sons stayed awake and gave him the final price in the morning, he said.
The closing bid of $12.6 million went to an anonymous buyer. It eclipsed the sports memorabilia record set in May, when someone paid $9.3 million for the jersey worn by Argentine soccer star Diego Maradona as he scored his controversial “Hand of God” goal in the 1986 World Cup.
(Source: The Wall Street Journal)