Medical personnel were able to save the life of a high school football player who suffered cardiac arrest during a game.
Ole Svangstu was participating in a football game in Surrey, North Dakota, when he jogged back to the huddle, collapsed and went into cardiac arrest.
From Parent Heart Watch:
In the middle of the third quarter, the Divide County Football team was regrouping to set up for a play.
On the way into the huddle, Ole Svangstu collapsed and went into cardiac arrest.
As panic set in throughout the stadium, the Surrey Ambulance, the Trinity sports medicine team, and a retired Minot paramedic sitting in the stands, immediately responded.
“We rolled the patient over and sports medicine assisted in helping to get the helmet and the pads off. The firemen had the AED, and they were doing compressions and applying that, and I went through the normal CPR routine with the AED. It did deliver a shock and the young man shortly after that responded,” said Marcy Kuhnhenn Clinic Analyst and paramedic for the Minot Ambulance.
Ole was flown to the ICU at Trinity Hospital in Minot and later to the Mayo Pediatric ICU.
From KFYR:
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – A high school football player’s life was saved by medical staff last week during a game in Surrey.
Divide County School Superintendent Dr. Sherlock Hirning said senior Ole Svangstu was jogging back to the huddle and collapsed.
Hirning said Svangstu went into cardiac arrest. Medical personal performed CPR and used a defibrillator before transferring him to Trinity Hospital in Minot.
He was also moved to the Mayo Clinic where he stayed in the ICU.
Hirning said Svangstu is now at home.
“We are fortunate that it turned out for the better and that the appropriate medical care and technology was on hand to revive him,” said Hirning.
A benefit auction flyer for Svangstu posted on social media says, “medical staff is working to pinpoint the cause and create a plan of action.”
The auction is Saturday night at 7 p.m. inside the Crosby Moose Lodge.
The Maroons will host Hope-Page Friday night at 7 p.m.