Citizens for Sanity have released a powerful new ad, in which they expose the woke, left-wing politicians and policies that are turning our cities into a war zones.
The ad criticizes woke progressive prosecutors who “release dangerous predators before trial”.
From the ad:
“The national murder rate is at its highest in 25 years… the result of far-left policies that leave innocent Americans at the mercy of violent criminals.”
“… hardened criminals rampaging without fear. No fear of arrest, no fear of prosecution, no fear of jail, no fear of any consequence at all. Instead, YOU are being made to live in fear.”
Citizen for Sanitty’s Mission, as stated on their site:
Citizens for Sanity’s mission is to return common sense to America, to highlight the importance of logic and reason, and to defeat “wokeism” and anti-critical thinking ideologies that have permeated every sector of our country and threaten the very freedoms that are foundational to the American Dream.